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We are excited to announce Bear Eye has been acquired by Mazzuca Eye and Laser Centers and are dedicated to providing the same great care and service you have been accustomed to over the years.

Bear Eye Center

725 Pulaski Highway
Bear, DE 19701
Phone: (302) 834-2020 Call Us


books Vision is a dominant process in the growth, development and daily performance of children. In fact, EIGHTY PERCENT OF WHAT STUDENTS LEARN IS THROUGH VISION. And yet, 86 percent of all school-age children have not had a complete eye examination. Ever.

This could mean that thousands of school-aged children simply can't see correctly. Parents and teachers need to know that with a complete eye examination, we can diagnose and begin treatment of many of these debilitating vision and eye health issues.

Students with poor vision can be misdiagnosed as learning impaired, as having attention deficient disorder, or are just plain left behind from their peer group. And these kids don't know that they can't see what their friend sees, because they don't know what normal vision is like.

It also means that many children, by the time they have that first examination, may have a condition, such as amblyopia or lazy eye, which now cannot be treated and is the leading cause of blindness. If they had had a complete eye examination earlier in their lives, the condition could have been easily corrected.

We encourage parents to have children examined prior to starting school, by age 3, and again before starting kindergarten. This monitors eye development and can prevent conditions that may be irreversible in later years.

Teachers can help too by letting parents know the importance of eye examinations and the link between good vision and successful learning. Children need to have a complete eye examination where vision acuity, eye health and vision skills are measured. And they need to have these examinations at an early age.

Comprehensive vision examinations can only be conducted by an eye care professional with the specialized training needed to make a definitive diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Keep in mind that a vision screening, while a useful tool, is a limited process and cannot be used to diagnose an eye or vision problem, but rather to indicate a potential need for further evaluation.